Have you ever imagined doing a Master’s degree in Sweden? one of the countries that is always at the top of the lists for human development, social equality and democracy. Well, know that studying in Sweden is not at all impossible, and Duplichecke is here to give you the tips you need to start exploring this possibility.
How to do a master’s degree in Sweden?
The good news is that the entire application process for a master’s degree in Sweden is unified on a single platform , University Admissions. And the platform is entirely in English, which makes it even easier. The not-so-good news is that, as with the entire process of pursuing a postgraduate degree abroad , you will have to sit down, read, research and look for your options. The first step is to determine which universities you will apply to, and you can only choose four institutions, so the process can be a little difficult.
Once you have chosen the universities and programs to which you will apply for your master’s degree in Sweden, the next step is to check the specific prerequisites for each program. Even though everything is done on a unified website, each program will ask for different things, and you have to be aware of that. For a Master’s degree, for example, it is necessary to have a completed Bachelor’s degree, in addition to the ever-present English proficiency tests (and they accept TOEFL , IELTS , Cambridge and Michigan, for example). But each university may ask for a different minimum grade, so be careful.
On the platform, you can apply simultaneously for up to four master’s courses in Sweden and send all your documentation in one place. Which, let’s face it, makes life a lot easier.
Application Deadlines for Masters in Sweden
Normally, registrations open in October and go until the second week of January. This is the deadline for the first round of applications for both international students and students with European citizenship. Each program also has its specific deadline, so research the website of the universities you are going to apply to. The results of master’s applications in Sweden are generally published in University Admissions by the end of March.
Most courses only accept applications for the autumn semester which starts around September/October. Only candidates with European Union citizenship can apply for the second round of admission, which generally runs until the end of July. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that places in this second round are more competitive because many of them were already distributed in the first round. You can check the correct dates in your application year in University Admissions .
What’s the price tag for studying in Sweden?
To register, the main cost is the registration fee of 900 Swedish Krona (in addition to any costs for translation, English tests, etc.). The average cost of a master’s degree in Sweden is 129,000 Swedish Krona, or approximately 54,700 reais per year. This is the price for the tuition, but in addition there are expenses for fees, housing, food, etc. But living and studying in Sweden is not very cheap. Of course, the cost of living in the country varies from city to city, but the monthly average for these expenses is 9,450 Swedish Krona, or around 4,700 reais per month.
Can I work and study in Sweden?
Properly registered international students can indeed work in Sweden, and there is no limitation on the number of hours you can work per week. The problem is that, as a full-time master’s student in Sweden, academic activities must be your focus and you will need to demonstrate that you are advancing in your program, so the number of working hours, although not limited, cannot disrupt your studies. Another obstacle to finding work in Sweden may be the language. Although master’s degrees in Sweden are in English, the country’s language is Swedish and most vacancies will require knowledge of the language.
The good news however is that, after finishing your master’s degree and earning your degree, you can apply for a six-month extended living permit in Sweden, during which time you can remain in the country in search of job opportunities.
Where to do your master’s degree in Sweden?
Sweden has around 39 universities spread across the country. Among these, there are a few that really stand out, like…
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Karolinska Institutet
- Umea University
- Linkoping University
- University of Gothenburg
- Uppsala University
- Lund University
- Malmo University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology is the best internationally ranked Swedish university and is also the largest and most prestigious technical institution in Sweden with around 13 thousand students. KTH is a public research university located in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. KTH carries out engineering and technology research and education at five schools with four campuses in and around Stockholm.
How to study for free in Sweden?
Just like in Finland and Denmark, studying in Sweden is free for people with a European passport. So, Peoples with an Italian, Portuguese or any European nationality passport can study in the country without paying anything. Furthermore, permanent residents of Sweden can also study in Sweden for free.
If this is not your reality, the good news is that there are several possibilities for scholarships to do your postgraduate studies in Sweden for free. The Swedish Institute, for example, offers several scholarships, including one focused on leadership, the SISGP , which covers all costs for those selected.
Furthermore, each university has its specific programs, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg offers scholarships in the exact areas, whilst Umea University offers scholarships in all areas. So, when choosing the institution where you are going to enroll, it is worth researching the possibilities. Furthermore, there are several international institutions whose scholarships can be used for a Master’s degree in Sweden, the Erasmus Mundus program scholarships are one of them, but in this case, only part of the course is taken in Sweden.
I could see that studying in Sweden is not impossible. With organization, financial planning , determination and effort, it is possible for you to complete your Master’s degree in this beautiful Nordic country, and even start a career there. To find out more, be sure to take a look at the Study in Sweden website . And keep an eye on Duplichecke to see other tips and scholarships for studying in Sweden and in several other countries!