Destinations where you can work with a student visa

Destinations where you can work with a student visa
Destinations where you can work with a student visa

If you want to spend a long time abroad to learn English and return home with a good level, you will surely want to work to pay for your stay. But as you probably know, not all countries can legally work with a student visa .

Generally, many Spanish students choose destinations within the European Union where a visa is not necessary to work, but with the departure of the United Kingdom after Brexit, the only English-speaking countries in which you can take an English course and work without need visa requirements would be Ireland and Malta.

For this reason, there are more and more people who decide to look for other destinations where they can learn English and pay for their stay .

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are two of those countries where you can work with an English student visa . This means that while you are doing your course you can do a part-time job compatible with classes.

The problem is that you only get the visa for the duration of the course and once it is finished you have to leave the country or enroll in another course with which to renew the student visa. Unless you get a specific work visa, but this is not something that is really easy to get.


Dubai is another destination where you can work with an English student visa or another type of course , and with many advantages as well.

Obtaining the Student Visa for Dubai is very simple and fast , since the school itself processes it for you and it is also not necessary to demonstrate financial solvency.

Once you finish the course , if you have a job, your employer can change your student visa for a work visa and continue there longer without having to re-enroll in a course.

Dubai is a place with many job opportunities , and the school organizes workshops to guide students who want to find a job, helping them write their CV, telling them where and how to look for work in Dubai, etc.


You may have heard that in Canada you can also work with a student visa , and you can, but not with any student visa . For example, with a visa to study English you cannot work legally in Canada.

Then how? Well, for example with the Co-op work and study programs .

These diplomas, which consist of a course and paid internships related to the course content, are the way to improve English from a more practical point of view and more focused on the world of work.

We offer Diplomas in business, international trade, marketing and sales, digital marketing, customer service, tourism, hotel management, engineering, computer science, IT, web development, user experience design , user interface design , etc.

By having an internship part, this visa has an associated work permit that allows you to work in Canada legally from the first day. These diplomas consist of a course period and an internship period. During the course time the visa allows you to work part time and during the internship time you can work full time. That is, if you book a 6-month course, for example, you will receive the visa for one year.

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