How can I get the most out of online learning?

How can I get the most out of online learning?: 12 tips for being an efficient online student: how to get the most out of your online course and get serious about your studies.

How can I get the most out of online learning?
How can I get the most out of online learning?

Offering undergraduate and graduate degrees completely online, not to mention short courses, specializations, continuing education and several other options, the online course is an increasingly viable alternative for starting academic studies, learning a new area and /or change careers.

There is no shortage of advantages of studying online , but we also know that life is hectic, with other commitments and tasks. It’s not always easy to fit studies into your routine, especially if you don’t have a specific time to attend classes.

How can I get the most out of online learning?

So it’s okay to need guidance to make the decision to be an online student work.

The tips we have gathered here, including, are the University of Cincinnati , which has a series of associates, certificates, bachelors, masters and doctorates completely online. With so much experience in the area, she knows how to guide students well on how to make the most of their online course, regardless of what it is.

1. Create a routine and have a schedule

In a traditional face-to-face course, you would know when to attend classes according to the schedule decided before the course starts. If your online course is not synchronous*, you should also create a schedule of times when you plan to study.

Don’t leave online study time to chance. If you know you’re most attentive in the morning, that’s when you should set aside time to focus your energies on studying. The same goes for nights, if that’s your preferred period.

Having a defined routine helps to organize your studies and your day to day life, because you will know when you are going to study and how. Oh, and don’t book anything during the times reserved for your studies. Stick to the schedule!

Synchronous online learning : in this format, you participate in online classes in real time with teachers and other students, through an online video platform, web conferences and/or chat tools.

2. Get Organized

It’s no use setting aside a two-hour period to study in the morning if you spend the first 30 minutes looking for a notebook, a pen, a computer file or even a good wi-fi signal. Make sure you know where and how to access everything you need for each class to maximize your study time.

3. Take notes

The more exposure you get to the class material, the better chance you have of retaining it when exam time comes around. Even if you have access to all the material digitally, taking notes helps you focus on the content and can even increase your understanding of the course. Don’t skip this study tip.

4. Prefer to write by hand

Taking notes by hand improves long-term retention of information compared to typing. When you are attending your classes, prefer to write your notes in a notebook.

Then, when you’re studying the material again later, you can type the handwritten notes into the computer. This repetition will help you study more consciously and retain the content better.

5. Minimize distractions

Ah, the distractions… The enemy of the online student.

We live in a world of many things vying for our attention. When you only have a few precious hours in your day to focus on studying, it’s of utmost importance to minimize distractions as much as possible.

That means muting your phone (or even putting it in a different room), staying away from social media while on your computer (or turning off the internet if you’re studying paper notes), and asking anyone in your household to respect your schedule. of study so as not to interrupt you.

6. Choose a peaceful and quiet environment

This tip will also reduce distractions: dedicate a specific, quiet space to your studies. There’s no use trying to minimize your distractions if you’re trying to study in your family room or a crowded restaurant. (Unless, of course, this is your ideal way of studying. To each their own.)

Try to study in a room where you can close the door or go to a quiet cafe, and use headphones or earplugs if necessary. At home, set up a table without distractions and turn it into a space that has everything you need within reach, including water and a snack, to optimize your study time.

Tell yourself that when you’re sitting at your desk, you’ll disconnect from work and/or family for an hour, two or three hours, whatever time is stipulated in your schedule. You will completely turn your focus to your studies in this period.

7. Have a study plan

Now that you know where and when to study, you should also know what to study . Draft a plan at the beginning of the semester using the course syllabus as a guide to know all deadlines – when all assignments, quizzes, tests and group projects will take place.

8. Interact with classmates and teachers

As an online student, you can have as much access to your classmates and professors as if you were on campus, because a quality online course is interactive .

If you have doubts about an assignment, you can participate in chats, contact the teacher by email, read previous conversations that students have already had or even chat with one of them on a social network. All this helps you get more clarification without wasting study time trying to find your information.

In addition, interacting with your peers and teachers also helps you to better connect with your class – to have that sense of belonging and not feel alone in your studies – and to leave a good impression as a serious student.

9. Take scheduled breaks

If you find yourself repeating the same sentence and stalling, unable to concentrate, take this as a sign that it’s time to take a break. In fact, you don’t even have to wait to get to that point. Take scheduled breaks from time to time.

Get away from your study space, stretch, do a breathing exercise, go outside, take a short walk, or even meditate with an app. Breaks as short as five minutes can really be a boost to your concentration in the long run.

The Pomodoro Technique , for example, is simple and easy to apply in your study routine.

10. Use all online resources

Students who take online courses often have access to a variety of support services and other resources to help them successfully complete their course. This is even more true if you choose an online program offered directly by a university.

The University of Cincinnati , for example, offers comprehensive student support and career development services, from an academic writing center and online library to career counseling and guidance.

Take advantage of each of the resources at your disposal while studying online.

11. I have the necessary hardware and software

Read the class schedule to learn about the materials needed. These typically include a laptop or desktop computer, high-speed internet, and at least two web browsers. These are the most basic things for an online course.

After preparing the proper requirements, make sure your programs, software, and extensions are up to date, working, and most importantly, you know how to use them all.

12. Take online studies seriously

When you’re enrolled in an online course, studying is part of your job, especially if you decide to do it to improve or change careers.

You need to commit to your studies as seriously as you commit to your career. If you do this, you’ll stay on top of your schedule and be prepared for whatever the semester will bring.

Take your online courses seriously and you will succeed.

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