How can I prepare for Cambridge exam?

How can I prepare for Cambridge exam?: Why take a Cambridge exam and how do you know which level to prepare for?

How can I prepare for Cambridge exam?
How can I prepare for Cambridge exam?

There are many methods by which you can test your English level. A self-assessment method would be to read the list of competencies from the CEFR (can do statements) and see at which level you can fit. You can also find a multitude of sites that show your level after completing the online test. But the best evaluation method is to go to a foreign language center that prepares students for the Cambridge exams.

How can I prepare for Cambridge exam?

Cambridge exams are a range of certification exams in English, each providing a certificate, relating to the test taken, which is valid for an unlimited period. Certificates obtained after taking a Cambridge exam level A2 to C2 are recognized internationally by employers, schools, universities.

What is the Cambridge exam and how can the certificate help you?

The range of Cambridge exams, organized at different levels, are a complex set of English language tests as they test students’ different skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Cambridge exams are a way of checking your knowledge of the English language by an impartial institution, under very strict exam conditions. The tests are corrected in England, and the speaking test is given with an unknown teacher and is spoken only in English.

These exams can be taken by children from a young age (8-9 years) to expose them to the experience of an exam and help them get used to the conditions of taking it, such as: resistance to stress and following the rules.

It also gives them a clear motivation to study English over a school year, a realization of their effort by taking a Cambridge exam and successfully obtaining a certificate that will help them to have more confidence in themselves and their abilities for studying. In time, taking advanced level Cambridge exams will help them get a better job or gain admission to a prestigious university.

Another advantage of taking the Cambridge exams is that they help them to equate their English language test for admission to the 5th and 9th grades with intensive English teaching: the YLE Movers and YLE Flyers level Cambridge exams equate to the English language test for admission to intensive 5th grade, and the Cambridge level A2 Key (KET) and B1 Preliminary (PET) exams are equivalent to the English test for admission to intensive 9th grade. Of course you also need to talk to the school where you want to enroll your child, as it is possible that this school has its own entrance exam, as a result of there being more applicants than places available, or require that the degree be obtained with no more than one year before equalization.

How to find out which level to register for the Cambridge exam

If you are thinking of studying at a university abroad, you should have a certificate attesting that you have a very good command of the English language, and to get one you must first prepare thoroughly and then register for one of the Cambridge exams. But how do you know which exam is right for you and which level to sign up for?

One of the ways to find out at which level to register for the Cambridge exam is to self-assess yourself against the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages ​​(CEFR). There are 6 levels of English that fall into 3 different categories of knowledge:

  • beginner (A1 and A2),
  • intermediate (B1 and B2),
  • advanced (C1 and C2).

Each level corresponds to a description of the skills you have. These can vary from the ability to hold a simple conversation to a complex one, in which you are fluent and can discuss any topic, you can understand complex texts and dialogues, on various topics, spoken with various accents. Competencies can range from beginner to native-like.

Thus, taking into account the competences within the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), you can be objective with yourself and identify the level of English you have. Next, you can set priorities and how to get from the current level to the desired one in the shortest time.

Another evaluation method is to contact a foreign language center, which after taking a mock test, can recommend the Cambridge exam at the right level for you. The exam simulation (mock test) consists in solving the tests from the Cambridge exam (Listening, Writing, Reading) under conditions similar to those of the exam and respecting the time allocated to each section of the exam. Afterwards, the teacher corrects the test and you will receive a recommendation regarding taking the appropriate exam.

Today, more and more people turn to English language courses, first to learn the language and then to demonstrate their level of knowledge. Whether you need a Cambridge exam for entry into the 5th or 9th form, or for admission to a university abroad, at FollowMe we help you find out at what level you need to register for the Cambridge exam.

How to prepare for the Cambridge exam

When preparing for a Cambridge exam, there are two main aspects that must be taken into account: increasing the level of English and familiarizing yourself with the structure of the exam.

A more difficult aspect is improving the level of English and reaching the level of knowledge necessary to take the desired Cambridge exam. To reach this level, it takes time, sometimes one to two years to have visible progress in all sections of an exam: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

The second aspect of preparing for a Cambridge exam is familiarizing yourself with the structure and marking system of your chosen exam.

Regardless of why you want to take a Cambridge exam, an exam preparation course is the best option. The teachers who run these courses are very well trained and extremely familiar with each of the Cambridge exams and can prepare you faster and more efficiently than studying on your own.

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