How can I prepare for Toefl and IELTS?

How can I prepare for Toefl and IELTS?
How can I prepare for Toefl and IELTS?

How can I prepare for Toefl and IELTS? : English is a fundamental language, especially for those who want to study abroad. Precisely, one of the university admission requirements is to achieve an excellent score in one of the most recognized sufficiency tests – TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, etc. – depending on the country and course selected.

Although it is not a very difficult task, the preparation requires time and dedication… since if you are one of those who is interested in demonstrating how much you know about the language through a certification, it is important to take the necessary time and dedication to Take an exam that proves your knowledge.

How can I prepare for Toefl and IELTS?

Now, you may wonder, why take an English test? Study and job opportunities increase when you know more than one language, even more so if it is universal, since it is the language that has positioned itself as an ambassador among most countries in the world.

There are countries in the United States that have a mandatory requirement to pass this type of test. In addition, the benefits are not only in the classroom, but it will help you function smoothly in the workplace, which is very competitive, you will meet new people, other cultures and your limits will expand.

Here are some tools that will ease your path to testing, but first you need to understand what the most basic tests are.  


  • Most of the international admission processes for Engineering , Technology and Science courses include within their requirements the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) test, and the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) for Business and Management .
  • The TOEFL exam is usually required in the United States , while Canada and many European countries require IELTS.
  • All these tests analyze the verbal ability of the students and their command of the English language. In addition, the GRE and GMAT also have quantitative sections that test problem-solving ability and analytical thinking. The verbal sections in these tests are usually more difficult and require more preparation (compared to the TOEFL and IELTS).


For those of you who don’t speak English as your first language, speaking fluently, coherently and with a large vocabulary may be the hardest part. In previous articles, we have listed a number of TOEFL and IELTS preparation strategies, including reading articles and texts; watch shows, TV series and movies; and try to converse with friends who are fluent in the Anglo-Saxon language. However, there are other tools available on the Internet that will help you practice for tests either from your computer or mobile device. Below, we detail a few:

  • Preply

It is an online marketplace for finding and booking private tutors for a variety of subjects, such as English and other languages, math, physics and other school subjects, guitar lessons, and many more. They have over 30,000 registered tutors and over 100,000 registered students. Preply will help you find private tutors at affordable prices.

  • Italki

This online language learning platform allows you to contact teachers around the world, whose variable rates fit any budget, to receive personalized tutoring according to your needs. In addition, by subscribing for free you interact with the rest of the users, and it is possible to exchange data to practice via Skype with native speakers of the language you want to learn or perfect. Click here to see the page.

  • All Ears English

It is a podcast page where you will find conversations on various topics between Lindsay, Michelle and Jessica; who will help you understand and speak English fluently and fluently. It also includes a specialized IELTS preparation section. Subscription is free and each episode is available on iTunes, YouTube and its official website .

  • TOEFL Speaking Partners

It’s a Facebook group run by Paul Austin, a teacher and creator of the TOEFL Speaking Teacher website , which offers paid one-on-one tutoring but also tons of free resources with the promise that you’ll score 26+ on the TOEFL speaking test. Here you can find people to practice English via Skype.

  • TOEFL Network

It is a network that will make it easier for you to study and practice English to obtain a good TOEFL score. It includes demonstrations of the 4 sections of the exam (Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing), as well as exercises, sample tests, tips and many other valuable resources. Enter here .

  • BBC World Services

It is a wonderful compendium of resources of all kinds. From a large Web page ( ) full of games, activities and options to exercise writing, speaking, reading and all aspects related to learning the language of Shakespeare. In addition, the BBC also has audio programs that you can download to your iPhone’s Podcasts folder, and listen to the interesting topics they cover in each episode. My favorites are The English We Speak and 6 Minute English .

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