How do I start learning vocabulary?

How do I start learning vocabulary?
How do I start learning vocabulary?

How do I start learning vocabulary? : When learning a new language you have no choice but to learn a lot of new vocabulary that is sometimes difficult and difficult to memorize. Sometimes it can be frustrating, but there are ways to expand your vocabulary. without having to sit down and memorize endless lists of words.

How do I start learning vocabulary?

It is important to remember that learning a new language is not just about mastering grammar and pronunciation, but it is equally important to have a broad understanding of terms and expressions. Having a good vocabulary in English is essential for effective communication . From reading to writing, knowing how to use the right words can make all the difference.

But throughout our lives we will learn hundreds of words that we will end up forgetting because we do not hear or use them regularly, so the really important thing is to stay with the terminology that we are going to use on a daily basis, and that is the easiest to retain.

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But how to learn new English vocabulary? Well, basically in the same way that you have learned the vocabulary of your own mother tongue.

Here are some tips for How do I start learning vocabulary? :

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  1. Read a lot and if possible from different genres, whether fiction or non-fiction, books are a great source of words and phrases. The more you read the more exposure you will have to the different contexts in which words are used and you will be able to deduce the meaning of some that you don’t know from the context.
  2. Listen as much as you can , try to watch your series and movies in their original version, listen to podcasts on topics that interest you, etc. This will help you not only learn new words but also learn to pronounce them correctly.
  3. When you read or hear an unknown word, write it down on a list and look up its meaning . You may forget some of them but when they appear again and again you will end up remembering them. You can also use online tools, such as flashcards and quizzes, to help you learn them.
  4. Use new words in conversations that you have learned in readings, in class, watching series or movies, etc. Start using them in your daily conversations with friends and family and you will see how that helps you retain them in your memory.
  5. Play word games – Language-based board games like Scrabble are great for developing your English vocabulary skills, as is doing crossword puzzles or solving anagrams.
  6. Use apps and online platforms to learn new vocabulary , there are many free resources on the Internet to which you can dedicate 10 or 15 minutes a day and learn new vocabulary in an entertaining way.

Of course, the best way to learn English vocabulary is by immersing yourself in the language by traveling to an English-speaking country and, if possible, taking an intensive English course in the destination you choose. .

In English classes all areas of the language are worked on and schools also offer many options to practice with social activities.

In your free time you will be able to hang out with your classmates and friends from school and you will also have opportunities to interact with local people and practice the language in your daily life. You can even stay with a host family so that the immersion is even greater and, if you already have a certain level of English and want to stay for a long time, work.

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