Is it easy for international students to get into Harvard? : Guide

Is it easy for international students to get into Harvard  Guide
Is it easy for international students to get into Harvard? : Guide

Harvard University has unparalleled recognition in the world thanks to the level of its teaching and research, the resources available on campus, its performance in athletic competitions and the availability of many museums and libraries. .

Every year, it attracts the best profiles from all over the world , and makes more than one French student dream. So if you think you have a chance to join the university, here is our complete guide to study at Harvard University.

Key figures from Harvard University:

  1. Present in the top 10 or even the top 3 worldwide since the creation of university rankings
  2. The first university in the world in terms of reputation (According to the Times University Ranking)
  3. Approximately 43,000 applications each year
  4. Approximately 1,700 candidates joining a course each year
  5. A selection rate of 4% of applications received, among the best profiles in the world
  6. 13% international students from all over the world
  7. A majority of students receive substantial financial aid to follow their course, including European students
  8. $40.9 billion in funds in 2019 from donations (i.e. 169% of the annual budget for higher education and research in France in the same year!).

The world ranking of Harvard University

Harvard University is known to be one of the best universities in the world , and it has even on several occasions occupied the first place in several international rankings.

When is it today? The university continues to occupy the top 10 worldwide in the main rankings as you can see in the table below:

World Rankings20212020
Times University Ranking3rd Place7th Place
Shanghai University Ranking1st Place1st Place
Financial Times Global MBA Ranking1st Place (2020)2nd Place (2019)

Note that the Times University Ranking also has a “world reputation” criterion, highlighting the recognition of the university around the world. And at this level, the university has been in first place in the world for years, as its reputation and the recognition of its training are part of the professional world, and even of popular culture.

In fact, by joining Harvard University, you join a training course within the most recognized establishment in the world , neither more nor less! But as you might suspect, not everyone can access it…

What are your chances of getting into Harvard?

With a selection rate fluctuating between 4% and 5% depending on the year , and an exceptional reputation attracting only the best profiles, it is extremely difficult to join a course at Harvard University.

As an example, the SAT score of 75% of American students joining the university is between 1460 and 1600 out of a total maximum score of 1600 points.

But what does a score above 1460 on the SAT correspond to? Simply in the top 3% of American students nationally! Only 25% of admitted students score lower, despite maintaining an excellent academic record.

What results do I need to obtain in France to meet the Harvard criteria?

1 – Academic results:

It is difficult to make a direct translation of university expectations to international students. Keep in mind that this is mostly the top 3% of US students, and expectations are potentially similar for international students.

In fact, it is essential to be one of the best students in your school, and that you almost always obtain an average higher than 16/20 in each term of the class from Third to Terminale.

2 – The SAT proficiency test:

Harvard University will also ask you when compiling your file to take the SAT in an exam center in order to integrate the score into your file.

The SAT is just one of many factors considered by the Harvard admissions panel, but scoring too far behind other applicants will penalize you heavily. It is therefore necessary to aim for at least 1460 points to put the odds on your side.

3 – The TOEFL English test:

Second important point, the TOEFL English test. Scored out of 120, you will need to obtain a minimum score of 80 or even 85 in order to secure admission to Harvard. This generally corresponds to an average of 14/20 at the end of high school, an accessible level therefore.

Why study at Harvard University?

Harvard is a dream for many students primarily due to its unrivaled reputation, iconic campus, and quality teaching.

However, Harvard University is not for everyone, and there are good and bad reasons for wanting to study there.

Good reasons to study at Harvard:

  1. You have an academic record of excellence , as well as a minimum level of English C1.
  2. You are ready and perfectly able to put together a solid application file in English
  3. You are looking for a training that will open doors for you all over the world , whether academic or professional
  4. You continuously aspire to academic excellence and professional , and wish to develop a high-level career

Bad reasons to study at Harvard:

1 – You want to get the “best” of your studies in the United States and apply to the best American institutions despite an unsuitable or average academic record.

2 – You wish to improve your level of English in the USA to obtain a satisfactory level.

As the courses are taught in English and the academic level is high, an English level below C1 is likely to be problematic and must be improved before applying.

3 – You hope to finance your studies completely with external financial aid and scholarships.

Harvard University does offer considerable financial aid based on your household income (see ” Financial Aid at Harvard “). But in the majority of cases, it will still cost more than $10,000 per year, all costs included.

If you want to study in the United States more generally without a specific institution, we advise you to broaden your horizons to universities of all levels to guarantee admission to at least one of them.

Discover the campus and student life at Harvard University:

The iconic Harvard University campus is located in the city of Cambridge, which is part of the Boston metropolitan area.

In the center of the campus of Harvard College exist many houses or “Houses” where the students live in communities between the various formations and level of studies, as well as the members of the faculties of the university. Each house has a specific environment allowing students to develop and become part of a community.

From Europe, the Harvard campus can be visited in several ways:

1 – You can browse the campus map directly on the official university portal.

2 – You can browse the blogs of students or travelers who have discovered the campus in different ways. We particularly recommend Mathilde’s blog , the Harvard College student blog , or this article on College Vine .

3 – You can browse the campus and student life through the various youtube videos available.

Applying to Harvard after the Bac (Undergraduate Program):

Harvard University offers three different portals to apply for a first-year degree course: the Common Application , the Universal College Application , and the Coalition for College portal.

Since the Common Application is the most widespread solution in the United States and the most suitable for international students, it is to this portal that we advise you to turn.

Regarding the file in question, you will need to gather the following documents:

  • Your school results from the 3rd to the 1st term of Terminal.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation from your teachers
  • Include your CV retracing your academic and professional background
  • The score obtained on the SAT or ACT test depending on your preference. Examination centers exist in France to allow you to take the test, and books dedicated to their preparation are available.
  • The score obtained in the TOEFL. This is a university English test used to prove your level of English. IELTS and Cambridge are also accepted by Harvard University.
  • All documents (images, videos, website) attesting to specific or exceptional skills or abilities that you have. If you have carried out a remarkable project or have an exceptional talent, these must be included in the file and will be examined by the jury.
  • Potentially essays or other writing and reflection exercises required by the university when applying.
  • Application fees of up to $75 in 2021

What are the tuition fees at Harvard University?

Harvard University tuition in 2020 is $53,968 per year for a Bachelor’s degree. Which means that for a full course, the total cost is $215,872!

But beware, these are gross “Tuition Fees”, before any financial aid from the university.

And as you will see below, the university has a very open reception policy and wants each student to be able to join the university regardless of their parents’ income. This policy applies whether the student is American or not!

Are there any scholarships to study at Harvard?

Harvard has a policy of allowing anyone to study at its institution as long as you meet the academic criteria. 55% of students receive financial aid based on their parents’ income, while 23% of students pay no tuition.

Harvard provides a tuition simulator as well as potential financial aid for everyone. This simulator takes into account candidates from Europe, and therefore allows you to have a simulation personalized to your situation.

Please note that the amounts to be entered in the simulator are amounts before taxes and social security contributions.

You must therefore enter your gross salaries and income, and not the net income after taxes and social security contributions. This error can cause the cost of tuition at Harvard to vary by one or two times, so it is important to enter the correct amounts from the start!

What will be the cost of your studies if you study at Harvard?

The cost of your studies at Harvard depends entirely on your financial situation . The scholarships available cover both annual tuition fees, on-campus housing, and potentially living expenses.

Added to this is the possibility of working on campus, Harvard highlighting many student job opportunities.

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