Is it good to study LLM from abroad?

Is it good to study LLM from abroad?
Is it good to study LLM from abroad?

Is it good to study LLM from abroad?: An LL.M., or Master of Laws, is an advanced degree in law. LL.M. programs are offered by universities around the world, although institutions in the United States and United Kingdom remain among the most sought after. Candidates for these programs must already, in many cases, have a first degree in law, and for the most prestigious programs, often a few years of professional experience.

Is it good to study LLM from abroad?

Following an LL.M. program can bring advantages appreciated by recruiters: knowledge of another language, knowledge of another legal system, specialized knowledge in a field of activity. This experience also offers the opportunity to open one’s mind, and to build a professional network made up of jurists and lawyers from all over the world.

In some jurisdictions, having completed an LL.M. program might make a person eligible to sit the bar admission exam, which may be the case, for example, for state bars in New York and California.

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But, let’s be clear, graduating with an LL.M. is just one way to stand out in the job market.

Admission requirements vary depending on the country chosen. In most cases, LL.M. candidates must have already obtained a law degree. However, in some countries, such as Graduating with an LL.M. is just one of the ways to stand out in the job market.

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What level of education do you need to have to apply for an LL.M?

Admission requirements vary depending on the country chosen. In most cases, LL.M. candidates must have already obtained a law degree. However, in some countries, such as the United Kingdom or Ireland, candidates who have graduated from a university but have not studied law can be admitted to an LL.M.

In certain limited cases, candidates with several years of professional experience in a related field may also be admitted.

What is the duration of the studies?

The LL.M. study program normally lasts between 9 to 12 months. There are part-time programs that last longer.

What financial investment?

A year of study for an LL.M. is expensive but varies widely depending on the jurisdiction and institution chosen for study.

In the United States, for example, annual tuition fees for Harvard Law School are over 63,000 USD and those for Golden Gate University School of Law are around 42,000 USD. In addition to this, we must add the costs for housing, food, books, transport, medical insurance, among others.

Tuition fees are lower in the UK and Ireland, and EU nationals enjoy even better rates – they can expect tuition fees between GBP 8,850 to GBP 16,500 for programs in the UK. United and between 8,200 EUR and 10,100 EUR for those in Ireland.

With regard to the impact and entry into force of Brexit, students admitted to a program in the United Kingdom for the year 2019/2020 will still enjoy these favorable rates for that year. It remains to be seen what will happen for the following years.

As already pointed out, there are LL.M. programs offered by universities around the world. So do not hesitate to find out about programs in Australia, Canada or India.

There are two types of LL.M. programs: “specialized” programs and “general” programs.

Do you have to have a specialty? Which specialty to choose?

If you wish to specialize, the choice of fields of study is wide and the selection of these depends above all on the interest of the candidate and his professional project. The most common specializations are tax law, digital law, intellectual property law, commercial law, and international law and arbitration.

However, specialization is not imperative, and in some cases even undesirable. The student may, for example, prefer to absorb the reasoning of the legal system through a wide range of subjects. In addition, if the objective is to sit the New York bar admission exam, the French student will be required to take several courses required for this purpose.

What language level do you need to have?

For English-speaking programs, the candidate must normally pass an English level test and have rather high results.

The most common test for programs in the United States is the TOEFL , and that for programs in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia is the IELTS . Check with each institution to find out the exact level that will be required.

How to select the country in which you want to follow your LL.M.?

The choice of country should be made on the basis of personal preferences and the professional project of the candidate. The United States is very often targeted by French candidates because of the good reputation of American universities and their method of teaching. But the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia also offer very interesting options. In any case, it is important to be well informed about the programs and courses offered.

In any case, a good knowledge of the language of study is necessary to be able to follow the courses and write written work.

How to apply? Do we need to bring letters of recommendation?

The elements necessary to build an application file differ according to the institution. Normally, you have to fill out (very carefully) an application form, and provide a translated and certified CV, letters of recommendation and transcripts.

In addition, it is necessary to write a cover letter (Personal Statement) – a fundamental element of the application files – in which the candidate must present his own personality, his background, his professional project and how the studies concerned could advance him towards his objectives. . Universities pay a lot of attention to this letter and it is imperative, therefore, that the candidate devotes sufficient time and thought to writing it.

Regarding the application process, again it all depends on the institution. Normally, materials should be sent directly to the university (via the internet or by mail), but in the United States it is sometimes required that materials be sent through LSAC (the Law School Admission Council).

When should you submit your file?

Application deadlines are unique to each institution and vary widely (e.g. December 1, 2018 for August 2019 entry for Harvard Law School and June 15, 2019 for Cardozo School of Law in New York).

However, keep in mind that many universities practice a “ rolling admissions ” process, which is the general rule in the United Kingdom. It should not be forgotten either that there are programs with two admissions per year.

What advice for choosing the right LL.M. program and preparing your application file? How far in advance should we do this?

The competition to be admitted to a “prestigious” LL.M. program has become increasingly tough: these programs will therefore not be within everyone’s reach.

If you are determined to pursue an LL.M. program, the key is to inform yourself well, choose a program that suits you and in which you have a real chance of being admitted and prepare your application file with great care. . Starting the process a year before the start of the program is not too early.

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