Is it necessary to do Masters to become a teacher?

Is it necessary to do Masters to become a teacher?
Is it necessary to do Masters to become a teacher?

If the field of education is of interest to you and you would like to be part of the teaching staff teaching young people at levels ranging from Vocational Training, Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), or Baccalaureate, it is very possible that, As in most cases it happens, you need to take the Master of Teacher Training (MFP) . This master’s degree guarantees, to those who hold an official university qualification such as a bachelor’s degree, degree or diploma, the ability to dedicate themselves to teaching, meaning that it would fulfill the same function as the well-known Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP) .

There are some cases in which it is not necessary to take the MFP and instead start practicing immediately. To resolve this concern and before continuing to burden you with questions such as: Is it possible to be a vocational training teacher without a university degree in pedagogy? We will tell you what characteristics the profiles of those who are exempt from entering the MFP have and conclude if you should start as soon as possible, in which case you can go deeper and consult What does it consist of ? What specialty should I choose ? o What options do I have to take it ?

Am I exempt from taking the Master’s degree?

Dispensing with the master’s degree may be possible if you have pedagogical training prior to the Bologna Plan or you have professional experience. If your profile meets any of the following characteristics, then you are exempt from taking the MFP.

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  • Hold the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP).
  • Have worked as a teacher for two full academic years before the 2008-2009 academic year.
  • Add 12 months in continuous or discontinuous periods before the 2008-09 academic year as a teacher.
  • If you finished your professional studies in: Teaching , Pedagogy , Psychopedagogy or other qualifications with pedagogical training, before October 1, 2009.
  • If you do not have university studies, certify 12 months of experience as a teacher.

Although getting on lists is not an easy task, you can achieve it with some patience, an academic year and an outstanding Master’s Final Project (TFM) will be enough for you to achieve your goal.

Do you meet any of the profiles exempt from taking the Master of Teacher Training? If so and you can go directly to the classroom, we recommend that you make the exams your next academic challenge, which will ensure greater stability.

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If you are currently studying the Master of Teacher Training or have recently completed it, we would like to know your opinion. Feel free to leave a comment and share your experience with us!

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