Is it worth doing an MBA in Berlin? See the advantages

Is it worth doing an MBA in Berlin? See the advantages
Is it worth doing an MBA in Berlin? See the advantages

With a rich and intensely cosmopolitan cultural life, Berlin , the capital of Germany, stands out as one of the main destinations for MBA students who want to stand out in the job market. In addition to being the second largest city for entrepreneurship in Europe, the capital is home to several startups and large companies, such as Tesla. The city is also home to Germany’s number 1 business school, ESMT Berlin.. Interested? Check out other advantages of doing an MBA in Berlin below :

Is it worth doing an MBA in Berlin?

Berlin: the city of students

According to the QS Best Student Cities Rankings 2023, Berlin was voted the sixth best city in the world for students. One of the reasons is the reasonably low cost of living compared to other major European centers, which makes the capital more accessible. With just over 3.5 million inhabitants, Berlin is a captivating, beautiful and, above all, very interesting city. Its streets and monuments are a living memory of European history.

The city vibrates with its 175 museums, theaters, concert halls, opera houses and countless bars and clubs. There are events for all tastes: Rave The Planet, for electronic music, the Festival of Lights, Christmas markets, the Carnival of Cultures festival and the Berlinale, one of the largest film festivals in the world. In addition, the intense nightlife and progressive atmosphere provide a sense of freedom, allowing you to be authentic and feel at home. Another advantage is the fact that it is very easy to live in the city with only English.

MBA in Berlin

The fact that Berlin is so well located in Europe is very important for those who are going to study there and want to boost their career. MBA students at ESMT Berlin(European School of Management and Technology) have the opportunity to have contact with different industries and leaders of large companies.

During the MBA, they can do a 6 to 12 week internship, as well as visit companies, participate in workshops and be part of clubs that have direct contact with the industry. This practical experience allows you to apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom in practice, in addition to expanding your professional network and gaining valuable insights into the business world.

International options during the MBA

The city also offers numerous international exposure opportunities during the ESMT MBA. You can choose to take electives at partner business schools or even take internships in other countries, which helps to develop a global perspective on the business world.

There is also the Social Impact Project, in which the student can work for five weeks as an economic or management consultant for a social impact organization, and the Responsible Leaders Fellowship, which connects graduate students with organizations in developing countries, where they can offer their services for up to 6 months. The two programs have already taken students to Brazil, Colombia, Kenya and South Africa, among other countries.

Become a global leader

For those interested in sustainability and technology, Germany is an oasis: with the country’s pioneering spirit in these areas, ESMT has incorporated themes related to this area of ​​knowledge into the MBA curriculum. Thus, the student comes out ahead for being inserted in an environment that values ​​areas considered crucial for the future of organizations.

Vali Berlin, the institution’s entrepreneurship center, promotes responsible entrepreneurship for creating economic, environmental and social value. ESMT does this through a series of initiatives in four main areas: support for founders and associates, educating entrepreneurial leaders, shaping an entrepreneurial culture, and connecting entrepreneurial stakeholders.

Your career in Germany

After completing the MBA, it is possible to obtain an 18-month visa to look for a job, which is a great advantage for anyone thinking of staying in the country. During this time, you can explore many opportunities, across different industries and roles, to build an international career.

There is also an advantage offered by Germany that can be decisive for anyone thinking of doing an MBA abroad: attractive salaries. With an MBA degree, you can aim for an average salary of €83,902 per year. Additionally, 89% of students experience a significant change in terms of industry, job title, and workplace upon completion of the program.

If you are already convinced that studying in Berlin can be the best decision for your professional future, you need to know the program at ESMT, the number 1 business school in Germany.

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