Scholarships for black and brown people for English courses

Scholarships for black and brown people for English courses
Scholarships for black and brown people for English courses

The Mover (Movement for Racial Equity) and EF Education First offer 30,000 scholarships to self-declared black people (black or brown). For 12 months, those selected will have access to EF’s virtual school, which has more than 2,000 hours of content with exercises, tests and certifications for all levels of English. The contents cover General English, Technical English and Business English.

The program has no age restrictions and is aimed at people who are looking to enter the job market or accelerate their careers. To participate, you need to fill out a form ( available here) until the 25th of August.

The selected people will be contacted until September 22nd using the e-mail address registered at the time of registration. The selected list will also be announced on the Mover website on September/23.

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