The 7 best digital careers for a new professional generation

The unstoppable development of technology has generated changes in the labor market ! Currently, companies have needs that can only be met by professionals with specific skills, which has generated the emergence of digital careers.

The 7 best digital careers for a new professional generation
The 7 best digital careers for a new professional generation

Digital careers are the professions of the future , there is no doubt. Therefore, having experience in these professions guarantees you unstoppable job growth, you will be able to work with companies from anywhere in the world and earn very good salaries thanks to your talent.

There are hundreds of digital careers, you will not lack options to choose from. In this article, we will talk to you about 7 professions that have a very high demand in the labor market and that are among the best paid as well. Find out what they are!

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The 7 highest-paying and most in-demand digital careers today

Thanks to the rise of the 2.0 era and technological advances, many digital careers have emerged! Those that make up this top 7 are among the most in demand and best paid, and are considered professions with a great future. Scroll down and learn about each one.

1. Data analysis

Data analysis is one of the digital careers of the future. These professionals collect and interpret information from users, clients, finances, products… to extract key aspects that help companies make better decisions.

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Due to the digitalization of companies, data analysts are increasingly in demand! Whether remotely, hybrid or in-person, they can work in companies in almost any sector: banking, telecommunications, entertainment…

Oh, and they get paid very well for their work. On average, a data analyst with little experience can earn about $31,500* per year working in Spain and $61,000* per year in the United States. As he gains more skill, that salary goes up more.

If you want to become a data analyst, you will need certain technical skills or hard skills. For example, mastery of programming languages ​​such as Python, use of visualization tools, control of metrics and experience in project management.

Hey, and don’t leave aside the soft skills , that is, the soft skills. A good data analyst must be organized, pay attention to details, know how to solve problems, have good communication skills and manage time to meet deadlines.

2. Copywriting

The second place among the most in-demand digital careers goes to copywriting. Copywriters are responsible for generating very persuasive texts for websites, catalogs or different advertisements as part of marketing and sales strategies .

Companies want to sell and copywriters have the magic words to help them; That is why they have many job opportunities. These professionals can work in different advertising agencies or create their own ventures.

If we talk about salaries, copywriting is a well-paid career. In Spain, a copywriter who works in an agency or a company can earn between 20,400 to 32,300 USD* per year, while in the United States, they receive a salary of up to 53,500 USD* per year.

As a copywriter, you must be able to write various types of texts in the best possible way. To do this, it is not only important that you have very good spelling, but that you are able to excite and persuade your target audience to take an action.

Something else you have to do is develop your creativity to the maximum so that your texts stand out and make a difference. In a world saturated with so much advertising, your challenge will be to generate content that breaks the mold and captivates your target audience.

3. Video game development

One of the best paying digital careers is, without a doubt, the development of video games for different platforms. These tech experts are in charge of programming the entire game and testing its gameplay to make sure it works well.

As you might guess, there are very attractive job opportunities for video game developers! They can get jobs at game distributors and development studios; According to their skills, they participate in different stages of the project.

The salaries, like the job opportunities, do not disappoint. In Spain, a video game developer earns from 23,000 to 96,600 USD* per year, while in the United States, salaries are somewhat higher: 42,000 to 115,000 USD per year.

To work in the video game development industry, it is ideal that you have a degree in engineering or computer science. In addition, you must have an excellent command of programming languages ​​and different platforms to create video games.

We must not forget soft skills are just as important. Something essential is that you love video games, that you know how to work as a team (game development involves many professionals) and that you are able to find creative and practical solutions to problems.

4. Graphic design

Another of the digital careers with the greatest demand is graphic design . As communication experts, the tasks of these professionals consist of transmitting impactful messages through images in different media: brochures, magazines, web pages…

This profession has several advantages. One of them is that it is a very versatile career, graphic designers can work independently or in agencies and companies as creative or art directors, logo creators, animators or illustrators.

Another benefit is that graphic design is a well-paying profession. Depending on their profile and work experience, these professionals can earn between 18,000 to 29,000 USD* per year in Spain and from 39,800 to 93,000 USD* per year if they work in the United States!

If you want to work as a graphic designer, it is important that you use design programs well and are an expert in drawing, colors and typography. In this way, you will be able to generate attractive, well-structured and memorable designs.

Other qualities that you cannot lack as a graphic designer are creativity, a passion for visual language, the ability to work as a team and very critical thinking. These are “weapons” to create effective messages that make you stand out.

5. Cybersecurity

In position #5 of the best-paying digital careers is cybersecurity. With the growth of the Internet, cyber attacks have become more frequent and these professionals are in charge of privacy and the protection of company data.

The field of cybersecurity is growing every day! Many companies and political, financial and legal organizations are looking for specialists who are in charge of applying protection protocols, managing any security incidents and investigating cyber attacks.

Another aspect that makes this profession attractive is the salary. A cybersecurity expert in Spain earns between 32,100 and 71,000 USD* per year (not bad, eh?). In the United States, the salary is up to 3 times higher: from 85,000 to 121,000 USD* annually.

Some universities around the world already offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees in cybersecurity. The study plans are very varied and are designed so that you learn artificial intelligence , operating systems, databases and malware analysis.

Regarding soft skills, it is very important that: you are able to work under pressure, solve problems in the most efficient and practical way possible, have professional ethics and know how to work as a team. Those are some qualities that will make you shine.

6. Digital Marketing

In this count of the digital careers of the future, digital marketing cannot be missing . Experts in this branch design, implement and monitor marketing strategies on the internet and on social networks to increase sales and the reputation of a company.

A digital marketing specialist can work in agencies, on marketing teams within companies or independently. Some requested profiles are such as Growth Marketing Director, Social Media Manager, Web Analyst or Inbound Marketing Specialist.

The salary varies depending on the country, the position and the experience the specialist has. For example, a Social Media Manager earns 32,000 to 64,000 USD* per year; On the other hand, a Growth Marketing Director can receive a salary of 150,000 USD* annually or even more!

Depending on your professional profile, you will need to master certain knowledge to succeed in the world of digital marketing . Some of them are metric analysis, email advertising and positioning techniques in search engines and social networks.

Something else that can enrich your profile as a digital marketing specialist are soft skills. If you want to stand out, you need to be creative and proactive, know how to work as a team, adapt well to changes and know how to solve problems.

7. Programming

With programming, we finalize this top of the digital careers of the future. Using computer languages, programmers create and improve computer software to perform certain tasks and implement it in mobile apps or digital programs.

Like other digital professionals, programming is very versatile. An expert in this branch can work in different companies or independently, and specialize in website design, app development, database administration…

The options are almost endless and they are all very well paid! In Spain, a programmer receives salaries ranging from 24,700 to 41,900 USD* per year; Although it is in the United States where you earn more, the salary is between 90,000 and 110,000 USD* annually.

To be a programmer, it is essential that you master different programming languages; The most used are Java, Java Script, Python, C and C++. Likewise, you need to know how to perform software testing and handle data structures and algorithms.

As a programmer, you must also know how to work as a team; many of the tasks you will execute will involve other professionals. Oh, and it is important that you are analytical and think critically to identify problems and defects, and to propose solutions.

Well, you now know which are the digital careers with the highest demand and best paying. Although some are quite different from each other, they have something in common: they are constantly evolving and guarantee you a bright and promising future! Do you already know which one you want to study?

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