University of Oxford: how to study at one of the best universities in the world

When thinking about studying abroad, many people want to go to the United Kingdom. Within this group, an important segment dreams of studying at the University of Oxford .

University of Oxford: how to study at one of the best universities in the world
University of Oxford: how to study at one of the best universities in the world

Not by chance: the English higher education institution is at the top of the Times Higher Education World University (THE) list for the sixth consecutive year. In other words, since 2017, the university has been considered number 1 in the world in this important global ranking.

It is true that there are many other excellent universities in the United Kingdom and we must always look at the rankings with a certain level of criticism, in addition to not using them as the only criteria for choosing where to study. Bruna already talked about this in a video about how to choose college abroad .

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However, we also cannot deny that the University of Oxford arouses the interest of many people and, therefore, we have prepared a complete article with all the information you need to know, if you are interested or intend to apply for a place at the institution!

What is the University of Oxford?

The University of Oxford is an independent and autonomous institution with more than 25,000 students, including 12,510 undergraduate students and 13,044 postgraduate students.

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The university is considered the one with the largest volume of research in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, it contributes around £15.7 billion to the UK economy, employing more than 28,000 people.

Regarding the administrative aspect, the institution is made up of 36 “colleges”, three “societies” and six “halls”. The university, as well as each of its components, has a specific role.

Colleges, societies and halls are responsible for selecting and admitting undergraduate students and selecting postgraduate students after admission by the university. Furthermore, these bodies also take care of accommodation, meals, libraries and social and sporting facilities.

On the other hand, the university is the one who determines the content of university courses, organizes lectures and seminars, provides resources for teaching and learning – libraries, laboratories, museums, facilities, etc. It also admits and supervises postgraduate students, evaluates dissertations and theses, sets and schedules exams, and awards degrees.

What courses are offered by the University of Oxford?

The University of Oxford offers numerous courses in all areas of knowledge. Among the undergraduate courses are:

  • Archeology and anthropology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Chemical
  • Classical Archeology and Ancient History
  • Classics
  • English
  • Modern Languages
  • Oriental Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science and Philosophy
  • Geology
  • Economics and Administration
  • Engineering
  • English language and literature
  • European and Middle Eastern languages
  • Art
  • Geography
  • History
  • History of Art
  • Human Sciences
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  • Materials science
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Linguistics
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Physical
  • Psychology
  • Theology and Religion

The postgraduate offer is divided between the departments that offer courses into 5 main areas :

  • Humanities
  • Mathematics, Physics and Life Sciences
  • Medical Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Department of Continuing Education

How to enter Oxford University?

As expected, getting into Oxford University is not at all simple, as it is very competitive . For undergraduate courses, in 2021, there were more than 24 thousand applicants for around 3,300 vacancies. In postgraduate courses, there were more than 34,500 applications for 6,675 places.

However, the good news is that the institution has a very international profile. According to information on the University of Oxford website , of the total number of students, around 11,500 are international students – which represents almost 45%. These students come from over 160 different countries and territories.

As we will see below, applications for university courses must be made online. It is essential to know that all students who do not speak English as their first language must meet the language knowledge requirements established by the University of Oxford for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies .

In short, this means having one of the accepted proficiency tests with the minimum grades required by the institution. Just to name a few, the university accepts TOEFL , IELTS , Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English and others.

How to go to college at Oxford University?

The admission process to pursue an undergraduate degree at the University of Oxford is the same for all candidates and there is no specific quota, that is, a restricted number of places for international students – with the exception of the Medicine course.

All applicants must apply via the UCAS Application portal and must:

  • Search and choose your course of interest
  • Check whether your international qualifications are accepted and whether you are able to achieve the required grades
  • Decide whether you want to declare a college preference or open enrollment

To apply, you must pay attention to the requirements of each course. Most require a textual sample to demonstrate analytical, reasoning, language and writing skills.

Candidates with the greatest potential to study at the institution will be selected for an interview.

Does the University of Oxford accept ENEM?

No. According to information on the website , the ENEM is not accepted, just as having taken the entrance exam in Brazil is not enough to be able to enter college in Oxford.

In fact, many courses require an admission test that requires registration and must be taken at a certain time of the year.

How to do a postgraduate degree at the University of Oxford?

Applications for those wishing to undertake a postgraduate course at the University of Oxford must also be submitted via an online application form . As in the case of undergraduate studies, the institution also provides a guide with all the details on the admission of postgraduate students .

Basically, you need to choose the course and check the respective entry requirements, gather the documentation (which includes, for example, university documents, such as academic records and references) and apply within the established deadline.

The dates vary depending on the course and it is possible to apply for different application rounds. However, it is recommended that international students apply before the first round deadline, i.e. as early as possible.

Which celebrities studied at Oxford University?

  • Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia
  • Riz Ahmed, actor
  • Monica Ali, author
  • Tariq Ali, writer
  • WH Auden, poet
  • Sir John Eccles, scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology
  • Lord Florey, Nobel Prize-winning pathologist
  • William Fulbright, politician and founder of Fulbright Scholarships
  • Hugh Grant, actor
  • Graham Greene, author
  • Stuart Hall, sociologist
  • Stephen Hawking, physicist
  • Dorothy Hodgkin, Nobel Prize-winning chemistry scientist
  • Adam Smith, political economist

The list is quite long and you can find other names on the university’s website .

What’s the price tag for attending Oxford University?

Studying at Oxford University, unfortunately, is not cheap at all, on the contrary. “Overseas”, students who are not considered local, pay a fee ranging between £27,840 and £39,010 for undergraduate courses .

Postgraduate courses also have fees that are close to these values. To illustrate, a Masters in Computer Science costs £30,330 for overseas students. A PhD in Anthropology costs £26,940. More details about postage fees can be found at this link .

Are there scholarships to study at Oxford University?

Of course yes! There are different scholarship programs that give the opportunity to study at the University of Oxford with all or at least part of the costs paid.

According to the institution, it is one of the most generous in the United Kingdom. It offers, for example, more than £8.5 million in financial support to low-income undergraduate students.

Right here in the Duplichecke search engine , you will find different scholarships to study at the institution. Let’s get to know the main programs?

Reach Oxford Scholarships for Developing Country Students

The program provides scholarships for undergraduate studies at Oxford and covers all courses, with the exception of Medicine. It is aimed at low-income students from developing countries who, for political or financial reasons, are unable to obtain a degree in their country.

Therefore, financial need and social commitment are among the main selection criteria for the notice. To apply, you must be accepted for the course of interest and intend to return to your home country after studying.

Undergraduate scholarships at Oxford last for the duration of the course — three or four years. They include registration fees, subsistence allowance and annual round-trip tickets to the country of origin.

Registration for the notice usually has a deadline at the beginning of the year – the last one was February 9th.

Clarendon: Postgraduate Scholarship

The Clarendon program awards more than 100 scholarships to study at Oxford annually to applicants from around the world. Scholarship recipients must have academic excellence and potential and meet the eligibility criteria of the chosen master’s or doctoral course. All courses at these levels are covered.

The postgraduate scholarship at the University of Oxford is full and covers all tuition fees and living costs of the selected student. The annual value of the benefit is usually at least 15 thousand pounds for full-time courses.

When applying for a master’s or doctorate at a British institution, the candidate is automatically considered for the Clarendon scholarship selection process. However, you need to pay attention to the registration period. To apply for a postgraduate scholarship at the University of Oxford, it is mandatory to apply before the course registration deadlines, which vary.

Weidenfeld-Hoffmann: Master’s scholarships

The Oxford-Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Program offers master’s scholarships at the University of Oxford to students from developing countries in South America, Africa and Asia. The program includes an extensive list of courses in different areas.

The scholarships are full, including 100% of Oxford’s university fees and an allowance for the student’s living costs. The value of this aid is around £15,000. The project finances studies and combines the chosen master’s degree with a comprehensive leadership development program, long-term mentoring and networking.

The notice also requires the candidate to commit to returning to their country of origin as soon as they finish the course. Furthermore, it is essential to demonstrate a connection between your subject of study and your long-term professional goals.

To apply for one of the master’s scholarships at the University of Oxford, you must select the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann program in the University of Oxford Scholarships section of the master’s application form and submit your application by the course deadline.

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