What are the benefits of learning platforms?

What are the benefits of learning platforms?: Do you know what are the main benefits of implementing a learning platform in your school?

What are the benefits of learning platforms?
What are the benefits of learning platforms?

Finding a learning platform that allows you to systematize the learning and evaluation processes of your institution or school can be quite a journey.

A true learning platform is one that provides support, offers educational solutions, training for teachers and managers, books and documents (pedagogical calendars, program contents). It is also an educational portal that offers pedagogical concepts and, ultimately, a huge range of products and services aimed at schools.

What are the benefits of learning platforms?

What can you expect from a learning platform?

First of all, it is essential to think about the focus of education: the students. There is a whole ecosystem that surrounds this community actor. In addition, teachers must practice “teaching,” planning, and evaluating . I mean, it’s not just about books or old brochures.

The work that is carried out internally in the institutions supports the development of skills and competencies of young people and children . Therefore, it is vital to know the portfolio of the Educational System and understand how it can support all school work.

Advantages for students

  • Have material that supports the development of study routines.
  • Have different forms of assessment for different forms of learning.
  • Access devices to promote contact with the school and their studies in different environments.
  • Have more interaction during classes
  • Clear doubts and deepen your knowledge with the help of teachers through virtual tools.
  • Have a tool that gathers all the study material in one place

Advantages for the school

  • Make available to the school community physical material that is part of the standardization of education and the national assessment matrices in each country.
  • Support the school in communicating to families all school activities. This brings transparency and credibility.
  • Work on a school management tool with automated evaluation correction and performance report generation, which also uses Item Response Theory (IRT).
  • Being at the educational forefront and, therefore, being one of the first options for parents in the search for an educational institution.

Advantages for teachers

  • Have materials and guides in digital format that can help them plan and support their classes.
  • Be in tune with the new technologies used by students.
  • Access a learning management platform that helps teachers make their pedagogical interventions more assertive.
  • Use a digital lesson creator with a robust design and an intuitive interface that helps them create and present their classes easily and dynamically.
  • Didactic sequence in a single, easily accessible place.

It is worth thinking that a learning platform must reach schools to become a guide. Also, here it is important to keep in mind that the vision and culture of the school must be combined with what the system offers, otherwise there are great risks of maladaptation.

If the educational system is not flexible and does not offer alternative ways to work with the school community, it is not seen as an ecosystem of support, but rather as a weight in the day-to-day life of the school community.

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