What are the most recognized English certificates?

What are the most recognized English certificates?
What are the most recognized English certificates ?

What are the most recognized English certificates? : It doesn’t matter how fluent you are in English, if you want to study at a foreign university, you will need an international English language certificate. You may have heard of the IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge exams. But what are the differences between them? In which countries and for how long are they valid? And what does each exam entail?

Scroll down and you will learn some differences that will help you understand which certificate is right for you.

What are the most recognized English certificates?


The International English Language Testing System is the most well-known test, accepted by most universities in the world.

Validity: 2 Years

Which countries accept it?

IELTS is a standard exam in British and Australian universities. Many educational institutions in Europe, Ireland and Canada require the IELTS certificate, and in America it is accepted by more than 3400 universities.


IELTS assesses your listening, speaking, writing and reading skills in English. In the Listening test, after listening to English spoken by a native speaker, you will answer a series of questions. In the Reading test, you will answer a set of questions after reading several passages with different themes. You will also be tested on the way you express yourself in writing during the Writing test through an essay and the interpretation of some infographics. There is also the Speaking Test where you talk to the moderator about yourself or discuss a given topic.

Scores : 1-9

Most universities accept an IELTS score between 5.5 and 6.5. Highly ranked institutions and Ivy League colleges require higher scores, some institutions do not accept scores lower than 8.


2 hours and 40 minutes without intermission.


At the British Council and partner centres.


The TOEFL exams (Test of English as a Foreign Language) are part of the admission requirements, especially at universities in the United States, Australia or New Zealand.

Validity: 2 years

Which countries accept it?

More than 90% of educational institutions in America use the TOEFL as a standard admission requirement. TOEFL is preferred by most Canadian universities and is accepted by over 11,000 institutions in 150 countries.


The listening and reading tests are similar to the IELTS tests, but differ in time duration. In the oral test, you will be asked to express your opinions on different topics and you will have to answer questions. In the written test, you will write an essay in which you will have to talk about your views on a given topic.

Scores : 0-120

You need a score between 90 and 100 points to be accepted by most universities. Note that the TOEFL is scored by subcategory and many universities require a minimum score for each category.


About 4 hours


Online, on the Educational Testing Service (ETS) website

The Cambridge Test

Cambridge language proficiency certificates are more complex than IELTS or TOEFL, but they are valid indefinitely. One of the most popular Cambridge exams is the CAE (Cambridge Advanced Certificate in English) and it can replace the test of language skills in a foreign language from the Baccalaureate.

Validity: Unlimited

Which countries accept it?

Cambridge Assessment English exams are recognized by schools, universities, public and private sector employers in all English-speaking countries.


The exam has four tests. Candidates take the Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening tests on the same day. The Speaking test can be taken on the same day or on another day. This test is taken in pairs of two candidates, with two examiners.


Unlike IELTS and TOEFL, the results of the Cambridge exam are accepted or rejected .


Reading test – 1h 30min, Writing test – 1h 30min, Listening test – 40min, Speaking test – 15 min/pair of candidates


At the British Council and partner centres.

After identifying which type of English language certificate is required by the foreign university where you want to study, we recommend that you carefully choose the period in which you take the exam (depending on the admission period at the chosen university and the periods in which it is organized English language exams).

The second important step is to prepare for the exam, no matter how confident you are in your knowledge. There are all kinds of preparation tests designed specifically for each exam.

If you are not sure what type of certificate you should get, do not hesitate to contact us for recommendations, tips and advice.

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