What documents needed to study abroad?

What documents needed to study abroad?
What documents needed to study abroad?

What documents needed to study abroad?: Although the documents you apply with differ from one university to another, I have prepared a list below of the documents required by most universities:

What documents needed to study abroad?

University Application Form: The Form usually contains simple questions asking you for personal details and questions about the program you want to apply to. Read it carefully, complete all sections and don’t forget to sign it.

Transcript: The sheet with the grades obtained during high school must be translated into English. Some universities ask to receive the document directly from the school or from the translator.

A copy of ID/passport: If you need a study visa, the university must send you a letter to obtain the visa.

Foreign language certificate: Each university requires a certain minimum level of English/country language knowledge. The United States prefers the TOEFL English language test, while in Europe and Australia an IELTS certificate is usually required. Most universities accept both certificates, and many of them also recognize the Cambridge exam. The score on the English language exam differs depending on the school and the program to which you apply.

Letter of motivation and letters of recommendation: Many universities outside do not take into account only the grades from the school. Most of the time you will be asked to send letters of recommendation and a letter of motivation showing what kind of student you might be. A good cover letter can help you get admitted even if your grades aren’t great and can even get you a scholarship, so invest some time and effort in the letters required by the university.

Do you need help applying to a foreign university?

Together with our partners, here’s how we can help you if you want to apply to a university abroad:

  • We can recommend some good study programs depending on your needs and desires.
  • We can arrange a visit to the university and some meetings with professors and students there.
  • We can help you with the application file.
  • We can give you advice and guide you in writing the motivation letter.

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