What is lifelong learning and how can you make it?

What is lifelong learning and how can you make it?
What is lifelong learning and how can you make it?

What is lifelong learning and how can you make it? : Keeping an eye on job market trends is an essential point for anyone concerned with career progression. It is indispensable that the professional is concerned with the continuous acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences throughout life, going beyond what is offered by traditional education. This approach, known as lifelong learning , is especially important for the 21st century market, which is demanding in adapting and innovating.

Already inserted in the labor market, it is common for many professionals to become stagnant. This is mainly because, for many people, having a stable career means that there is no longer a need to invest in education. Bearing in mind the concept of lifelong learning, it is clear that acquiring and improving skills is crucial not only for professional development, but also to ensure continuous career evolution in an increasingly dynamic world.

Embedding this mindset allows individuals to stay ahead of the median , developing skills that allow them to perform more successfully. It is important to emphasize that continuous learning does not only refer to technical skills, but also to interpersonal skills. The so-called soft skills are essential for anyone who wants to stand out.

Soft skills such as conflict resolution, adaptability, communication, problem solving and leadership enable professionals to better deal with the complexity of the market. Teamwork, essential for those who want to build a solid foundation in companies, also benefits when these skills are strengthened, which can be acquired in the lifelong learning approach.

For those who wish to continue their education, leaving the traditional path that is expected of everyone, the international executive programs represent a great option. As they are held in another country, in addition to developing technical skills, the programs offer the opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture, which broadens horizons and helps to develop a global mindset.

“We’re firm believers in the importance of ‘lifelong learning’. Our executive programs have provided a pathway to inspire Brazilian professionals to keep enhancing their skills, thus distinguishing themselves in the competitive job market. Over the years that I closely followed the LAIOB Experience programs, I noticed in the students this need to go in search of knowledge and even an international experience in order to conquer a leadership position in their careers”, says Leonardo Millian, Director of Executive Education at LAIOB Experience.

The LAIOB Experience is an example of an institution that offers international executive programs. The immersions, held in the United States and Portugal, are two weeks long and fit perfectly into the busy schedule of those who don’t have much time to dedicate to lifelong learning, but who are still looking for continuous improvement . Learn more about the experiences provided by the LAIOB Experience here.

Being in a different country is one of the best ways to improve soft skills related to teamwork. In a world where adaptability and agility are highly valued, those who prioritize their own improvement position themselves positively before organizations, which can be useful to leverage their careers and get in touch with new opportunities.

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