What is the best university to study Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

What is the best university to study AI?
What is the best university to study Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

What is the best university to study Artificial Intelligence (AI)?: Artificial Intelligence is a subcategory of Computer Science aimed at research to create machines that attempt to solve problems and analyze contradictory or ambiguous information. The importance of this discipline has only increased, especially after the pandemic, given that AI (acronym in Portuguese) has been used to fight the coronavirus.

What is the best university to study Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Concentrating on complementary topics such as Engineering, Robotics and Game Design, Artificial Intelligence – also called Machine Learning – is a deepening of computational language. Such a language is essential for computers to be able to resemble human intelligence in certain practices, which includes decision-making. If training in the subject interested you, see where to study Artificial Intelligence abroad , starting with the best universities in the world in AI!

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon Universityis a private teaching and research institution located in the city of Pittsburgh, in the state of Pennsylvania, in the United States. The US institution’s School of Computer Science was the first to offer a Bachelor’s Degree in Artificial Intelligencein the country. Students learn in an innovative, interdisciplinary program.

Professors come from different departments such as Language Technologies, Software Research and the Robotics Institute. Interdisciplinarity applies to both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation at Carnegie Mellon. A curiosity is that students are encouraged to participate in worldwide competitions, such as the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Stanford University

Considered Google’s “mother” university , Stanford is traditionally at the intersection of innovation and technology. Its Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has been researching the topic since 1962, in addition to offering courses and organizing events. The degree in AI at the institution is in charge of the School of Engineering. The course is composed of the principles and techniques of Artificial Intelligence, in parallel with elective courses such as Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Computational Logic and Introduction to Robotics.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Another institution that is among the best in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has, like Stanford, an innovative DNA. In 1959, the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratorystarted his own research and experiments. In 1963 the Computer Laboratory was inaugurated. As projects became more interconnected, the two departments merged in 2003, giving rise to the institute’s largest lab, with over a thousand members.

One of the most interesting courses for those who want to delve deeper into AI is online, individualized and collaborative. This is Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy. Here, however, it should be noted that the focus is on business. In other words, the idea is to teach students to capitalize on and manage AI applications – therefore with less emphasis on the technical aspects.

University of California – Berkeley

The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory (BAIR)includes over two dozen faculty members and over one hundred graduate students. The Artificial Intelligence laboratory at the American university offers seminars and courses taught by professors of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, which include topics such as Computational Imagination and Introduction to Machine Learning. There is also an online short course called Artificial Intelligence Strategy, aimed at AI businesses.


Of course, the most prestigious university in the United States could not be missing from the list of where to study Artificial Intelligence abroad! Some of the institution’s AI-specific programs are the Online Professional Certificate in Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence and the Online Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python. Learning takes place through the Harvard College Engineering Society, which allows for interdisciplinary research and networking opportunities between Computer Science students and professors with others specifically interested in AI.

Other options for studying artificial intelligence

The US News ranking of where to study AIabroad brings options that are not restricted to the United States. The survey lists, for example, Tsinghua University , Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, plus Sydney University of Technology(Australia).

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