When should you do study abroad? Find the right time!

When should you do study abroad Find the right time!
When should you do study abroad Find the right time!

This is one of the first questions that we have to ask ourselves within the framework of our project. When to go abroad? When can I leave with enthusiasm, despite all that I leave behind? And when do I have the right to leave, given my educational background?

These questions are recurrent among students, and sometimes remain unanswered. We will therefore see when going abroad makes sense, both professionally and personally.

After which diploma to leave?

Whatever diploma you are preparing, you must start the process to go abroad from November/December in order to meet the deadlines.

The Bac : Joining a foreign school after the baccalaureate is quite possible. Registrations are made from November of the year of passing the baccalaureate for most countries. For countries in the European zone, most countries have their own registration system similar to our “post-baccalaureate admission” site.

So for the United Kingdom, you will have to go through “UCAS” and Ireland the “CAO”. The steps are similar and the difficulty lies only in understanding the language. You can enter programs in 3 years or 4 years depending on the country, similar to our licenses, which are for the vast majority accepted without problem in France today (Bachelor of arts, of honor…)

A BTS/DUT: It is possible to integrate directly into the 3rd year of many programs in 3 or 4 years abroad. These diplomas, such as the Bachelor or the Bachelor of Honor, are recognized in France as the equivalent of the license or the master 1. They therefore allow you to subsequently integrate the Grandes Ecoles or continue your studies at university.

Again, you will have to go through the registration system specific to each country (eg “UCAS” in the United Kingdom, by file for each university in Canada or the United States). It is also possible to go through your IUT to prepare a DUETI in partnership with a foreign university.

A license: It is possible to integrate many courses leading to a master’s level , you will first have to have the equivalence of your diploma accepted in the country concerned. In the vast majority of countries, enrollment in universities from this cycle (eg Postgraduate in the United States) is done only on file and sometimes with an interview. Universities are quite selective from this level, and often ask for good results.

A master’s degree: Master’s students are welcome in most foreign countries , provided they have a good or very good record, once the equivalence of the diploma has been accepted. Recruitment is therefore done on file. At this level, many aids from the State are available.

When to study abroad?

It is accepted that it is better to leave for at least a semester , but the ideal is to stay at least a year or more.

It is above all at the personal level that a decision must be made. Indeed, the brakes within the framework of this project are numerous, an in-depth reflection is therefore necessary in order to avoid regrets. Going abroad means giving up family, friends, living environment and a large part of our habits for at least a while. So you have to feel ready to leave , and not do it too soon. Conversely, we shouldn’t wait too long before it’s too late, and this departure calls into question too many projects.

In the end, everyone has their “good time” to leave , whether alone, with a friend, his or her boyfriend, at 18 or 24, we must in no way forget that this should not be a constraint but a pleasure so that the experience is really beneficial.

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