Which country has the best educational system in the world?

Which country has the best educational system in the world?:

Which country has the best educational system in the world?
Which country has the best educational system in the world?

Offering the best educational quality to our children is the fundamental objective for every parent or guardian. This is because those who have good academic foundations will not only broaden their horizons (such as studying abroad), but it will also open the doors to better job opportunities.

On the other hand, a good education is essential for society, for the economy and even for coexistence, since knowledge and values ​​come together there. Studying in another country can offer all of the above and more, so knowing which countries have good education will help us make better decisions for the future of our children.

Which country has the best educational system in the world?

One of the most estimated tests to measure educational quality worldwide, is the PISA report, or International Program for Student Assessment . It has been developed by the OECD and assesses student performance in areas such as reading, science and mathematics, as well as creative thinking.

Taking the above into account, over the years, global surveys based on perception have been carried out to find out which countries have good education . It has been determined that countries like Canada, Singapore, Finland and some Asian countries are the top countries with the best education and teaching system. To do this, certain qualities are reviewed, such as the ones we will see below.

Ranking of countries by teaching quality

  • Finland : It is considered within the ranking of countries with good education over the last two decades, even surpassing Japan. The choice of teachers requires great demand, in addition to the fact that tutors have little influence on the decisions of the campus. It has fewer subjects, they are committed to project work and interdisciplinary, as well as digitization.
  • Canada : Located in the north of America, its educational system is so good that most families choose the public system over the private one. It is also the country that allocates the most funds to education within the G8. It stands out in its promotion of equality, where foreign students receive resources to preserve their language or culture.
  • Japan : Ranked three times in a row in the Education Survey, it does not seem to drop from its position, especially in basic education. More than betting on intelligence or skills, bet on effort and good results, as well as high competitiveness.
  • China : The Asian giant has been one of the biggest promoters that encourages entrepreneurship and creation. One interesting thing is that it does not grant degrees in higher professional education, but rather encourages interpersonal skills much more. They are already less rigid in their pressure on students, reducing exams and extracurricular tasks in some grades of basic education, for example.
  • South Korea : Three-time winner of the world ranking of countries with good education. Competitiveness, excellence and, according to the OECD, scores well in reading, mathematics and science. It is one of the countries that have proven to provide an education of enormous quality.
  • Singapore : It is, without a doubt, a benchmark in Mathematics, but also in Social Sciences, in addition to betting on a bilingual education (English) from the very young and betting on reflection, instead of memorizing.

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